Viewer’s Right:Chen Lihua solo Exhibition

Viewers RightChen Lihua solo Exhibition


Curators: Gu Zhenqing  

Art Director: Yang Li  

Executive Curators:Li Jiaoni

Opening: 4pm, Sunday November 19, 2017

Location: 798 Li Space (D06-6 Zhong Er Jie, 798 Art District, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Beijing)

Exhibition: November 19 – December 18, 2017 

Gallery Opening Hours: 10: 30-17: 00, Tuesday - Sunday

Contact:;; +86-10-59789542

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Viewers Right : Chen Lihuas New Discourse


Curator: Gu Zhenqing

The viewer’s right is to resonate and to understand the art’s inner contents and values, not just to see or indulge to the appearance of art. The languages of contemporary art are to invite the viewers to look into the contents through the outside forms, to understand the representation, to go through a process of enlightening. Iconography and forms, symbols and metaphors, all lead to principles. However, the artistic languages are just skillful symbols which do not equal to principles. The new discourse presented by Chen Lihua is not purely iconography, but it is not completely away from iconography. She deeply understands the necessity of iconography and the languages to form iconography. The form language is similar to a boat for crossing a river or the fingers pointing to the moon. It can help the viewers to understand and resonate with the meaning and principles of the arts. However, artists do not hope the viewers forget to cross the river or look at the moon, blinded by the appearance and fail to appreciate the inner contents. Therefore, by presenting an exhibition on the theme of viewer’s right, Chen Lihua has demonstrated a unique artistic pursuit. The immersive dark space and the illusive arts all intend to interrupt the usual viewing approach and change the orthodox ways of thinking, thus giving the viewers more power to determine by themselves.