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1976 Born inGuangzhou,China.
1996 Graduated fromGuangzhouAcademyof Art Affiliated Middle School.
2000 Graduated fromCentralAcademyof Fine Art,Guangzhou,China.
2001 Graduated from Byam Shaw at Central St. Martins School of Art,London,UK.
2004 Graduated fromRoyalCollegeof Art,London,UK.
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2007 Daddy & I,PekinFineArtGallery,Beijing,China.
2005 My Little Girl,IMT Gallery,London,UK.
2005 Horizon,ChineseArtCenter,Manchester,UK.
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2007 Mahjong-Contemporary Chinese artists from the Sigg collection, Museum der,Moderne Salzburg,Austria.
2007 Shcontemporary art fair,CRG gallery,Shanghai Exhibition Center,China
Chinese Eroticism,456Gallery,New York,USA.
2007 Surge,tour show in 798 Festival,Dashanzi,Beijingand He Xiangning Art Museum,Shenzhen,China.
2007 Dream Place,A-Space,Beijing,China.
2007 You can’t Touch Dis:The New Asian Art,ChelseaCenterfor the Arts,New York,USA.
2007 Rejected Collection, Ke Center for Contemporary Arts,Shanghai,China.
2006 Mahjong Contemporary Chinese from the Sigg Collection,Kunsthalle Museum,Hamburg,Germany.
2006 MoCA Envisage– Entry Gate: Chinese Aestherics of Heterogeneity,MuseumofContemporaryArt,Shanghai,China.
2006 Duolun Exhibition of Young Artist,DuolunMuseum,Shanghai,China.
2006 Looking at the Other,ISEFoundation,New York,U.S.A.
2006 Cantonese Artists in the Sigg Collection,Kunstmuseum,Bern,Switzerland.
2006 Purity and Innocence,Neuhoff Gallery,New York,U.S.A.
2006 Metropolis Rise: New Art fromLondon,temporarycomporary,Shanghai/Beijing,China.
2006 ArtRotterdam,Domobaal Gallery,Rotterdam,Holland.
2005 PreviewBerlin,Domobaal Gallery,Berlin,Germany.
2005 ChicagoContemporary Classic Art Fair,Museum Work,Chicago,U.S.A.
2005 It's a Wrap,Photo DoNot Bend Gallery,Texas,U.S.A.
2005 Imagin a World,OXOTowerWharfbarge house,London,UK.
2005 Crime,Artist net work gallery,New York,U.S.A.
2004 On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Photography and Video,Ethan Cohen Fine Arts,New York,U.S.A.
2004 XS-an invitational exhibition,fa project Gallery,London,UK.
2004 Who Am I,456Gallery,New York,U.S.A.
2004 Standing On the Edge,Hiscox Gallery,London,UK.
2004 Best of RoyalCollegeofArt DegreeShow,Davis Langdon Gallery,London,UK.
2004 Summer Show,Hoopers Gallery,London,UK.
2004 The Progressive Development Plan,The Empire,London,UK.
2004 Portobello Film Festival,The Portobello Film Institute,London,UK.
2004 EMERGEANDSEE,tour show in Trafo Kortars.
2004 Muveszetek Haza,Budapest,Hungaryand Kino International,Berlin,Germany.
2004 Vector,L'Espace des Blancs Manteaux,Paris,France.
2003 EssenArt Festival,FolkwongMuseum,Essen,Germany.
2003 Chinese Art Today,MillenniumMonumentArt Museum,Beijing,China.
2003 Detour, Neon Gallery,London,UK.
2003 The Art of Contemporary Asian Women: If The Shoe Fits, Fisher Art Studio,Bard College,New York,U.S.A.
2003 Timeshare,OXOTowerWharfbarge house,London,UK.
2003 UmeaVideo/Performance/Music Festival,Umea,Gallery 60,Sweden.
2003 RCA Film Night,291 Gallery,London,UK.
2003 Photography Open Competition,AOP Gallery,London,UK.